Friday, August 10, 2012

A Big Year In The Works

Hey readers,

So I know I have been horrible about keeping up the blog (and the viewing over the past week has shown this) but it has been a long week of travel with my internship across Bavaria and into Salzburg, Austria. It has been rewarding because (being a Cognitive Science/Psychology major) I generally don't have work weeks where I travel. It was tiring but I learned quite a bit about first impressions and organizing travel for work and actually being on a schedule of some sort. The language learning scene is an interesting one. I will go more into that in another post. Here I will just outline things to come for me and the blog.


I started out school as a Material Science major because I like applied science and problem solving.After a year of doing the prerequisites and really thinking about it I felt it wasn't really my interest academically. So I switched to Cognitive/Brain Science. One thing that will always interest me is people and how they work. So far it has been an interesting ride. Now it is my last year in College/University and I'm starting to think about careers. Many alumni and working people have told me to study what you like and then try and pursue a career not just a job. I would say my top interests are people, technology, music and sports. So as a profession I would want to try and do as many of these in one. My goal is to incorporate Psychology and Football/Soccer into a career. So far the end goals would be to be a manager/coach or a sports psychologist. Both are paths that require a lot of work and sometimes really knowing the right people. As I am just building my work experience now the next couple years will be crucial.

What This Means For The Blog
Once the fall, classes, research, and sports seasons start, I will try to make the most and get involved in as much as possible. This blog will most likely become the template I use to organize this. I have decided that I will get more serious about my football involvement by trying to watch and analyze every Chelsea match I can watch. I will not get to all of them but if I can start really dissecting the matches and each player and have it documented it could help later on when I'm trying to work into the industry. I have also started a fantasy league with a friend so that will get me more involved. I will also try to start developing an idea of the role of cognitive science and understanding the brain in both managing/coaching and possibly in recovery from things such as brain damage. This will hopefully become something I can develop into a research project or thesis.

So expect my blog to be much more active in the fall and if all goes well it should be a good follow is I begin these tasks. If anyone reading has any info or contacts (especially in the USA or London) relating to psychology please let me know in some manner whether it be on here, by email or on my Twitter.

I will try and do more music reviews in the future too.

Thanks for reading,

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