Friday, July 6, 2012

Palermo So Far

I am alive and now in a Bed and Breakfast in Mondello with my friend Sam. Mondello is the beach/touristy side of Palermo. I really like it and this B&B was very easy to find (we didn't have any reservations). We will be checking the night life and heading to the beaches tomorrow. There are a lot of similarities between Italy and Spain except the Italians are less likely to try English with you once they know you don't speak their language. Made for some funny but drawn out interactions. Probably won't be so around Mondello since there are many more tourists here. The streets, mannerisms, environment, etc are all pretty similar though. It is weird being in a country where I know nothing about the language besides what sort of sounds like Spanish. We're getting by though. What is also interesting is that, just like in Barcelona, it's hard to play football in the park or just randomly with people. Well I will try to get a post or two this weekend while I still have internet. Not much going on in sports outside of Wimbledon at the moment and I refuse to talk transfers NBA or football. So til next time,


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